Career Readiness Udemy Class

Many colleges and high schools do not offer career exploration courses and or career readiness for the students. It’s awesome if a student knows exactly what they want to do for a career at 15 but let’s face it, that’s rare. It takes time to learn and understand professions prior to jumping in the water, one should dip their toe first.

In prior posts as well as my YouTube Channel I have written about career books that I have enjoyed that are great for career counselors as well as students.

So, what is career readiness and why is career readiness important? Like school, students can learn a variety of subjects to increase their critical thinking whereas career readiness is how they apply that as well as a plethora of other subjects to help them acquire and be steadfast at an occupation. As in life, the competition for a solid career is fierce. Students need to prepare for this around 15 some say earlier but no need to debate. There are many amazing career and technical programs (CTE) in high schools and colleges these days. If a students goal is to attend college, the first question should always be raised, what are you planning to get from college? Your money is given to them for what? Is it to learn, to determine a profession, both or what?

Acquiring an amazing education is imperative as well as determining a career path that will offer you purpose as well as prosperity. Moreover, if you enjoy your occupation the chances for success are even better. So, how does one learn about professions?

Career exploration is imperative. One should have some idea of what occupations are out there prior to choosing. Have they taken any courses on career exploration? Have they spoken to anyone in the industries that interest them? Have they attended trade shows within that field? Have they investigated internships, part-time work, volunteering, temp gigs, shadowing? If not, how do they know anything about the occupation they desire? Watching a video for 2 minutes is not like job-shadowing for a day or a week. Per Frank Parson’s the Godfather of vocation, other than the choice of a spouse, this is your second biggest choice in life.

To help many students in this process, I basically built a career readiness program. This is a career readiness program for high school and as well as a career readiness program for college students. Moreover, it can help many that are between opportunities that are out of school and are struggling in mid-career changes. The course is on the Udemy platform. The course is called : Career Readiness: How to Prepare for the Career You Desire! If you have any issues finding search my last name “Wysocki” and it will be obvious. You will need a Udemy account. Here’s the course URL:


Presently, there is no cost so please forward to students as well as workers between opportunities as there are many proven tips and tricks that I have learned in 30+ years of sales. I do ask for a review of the course. In tech sales one bounces gigs so one has to learn how to find opportunities. Also, I’ve read countless books on career readiness as well as published the award-winning Careers By the People and have 90+ videos on my YouTube Channel @careersbythepeople.

Enjoy the course and please write a review and please keep updated via my YouTube Channel or website,

Thank you

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